Thursday, January 31, 2008

Our big day out...

Today was going to be our first official day out sightseeing with everyone well so we attacked the guide book and map to make our plan. We had wanted to go to Hoan Kiem Lake to see the Thap Rua (turtle tower) pagoda and Den Ngoc Son (Jade Mountain) Temple. We had also planned to take photos on the famous Sunbeam Bridge so Julie and I had made a huge effort to blow-dry and wear make up....hours of preparation. (Henry is always photo-ready!) Sadly, we had not bothered to check the weather report (or in fact look out the window) and it was pouring.

Where should we go today??

"yay, we are leaving the apartment!"

Henry had big plans but we only made it as far as the mall in the disappointing.

...until we found the music store!
And then, of course, we were starving...the amazing high tea and chocolate buffet at the Sofitel Metropole Hotel!
Henry still loves making his raspberry sounds!But mostly he loves his Tante!!
She's the most fun god-mother/personal shopper/chef/sherpa a baby boy could ever hope for! The best!! Please Note: We did actually go to a museum as well. It was sooooo dull it doesn't even really deserve a mention but since the Smiths are about 14 cultural activities ahead of us I have to include highlights like they do on their much more thorough and educational blog.
Bao Tang Lich Su (dull History Museum) is in a beautiful building incorporating French, Khmer and Vietnamese styles. The gardens looked like they would be great if it had not been bucketing with rain. The exhibits include a fine collection of artifacts from prehistoric civilizations of the area. The ancient bronze drums were our favorites but they were behind glass...yawn. jjx

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Finally! I have been trying to post something on here for 2 hours and this was going to be my last try...some weird technical message kept popping up. I'll just put a few things quickly. Have to get to bed since Henry likes to get up between 4 and 5am then it's go go go!!

All the babies from our PLAN agency group met to have their medical exams for US immigration today. Our paperwork was submitted to the Embassy this afternoon and our immigration interviews are set for Friday. Please send good thoughts our way for 10 am Friday so we can come home Sunday as scheduled!!

In between our appointments this week, Henry is learning more and more each day - little discoveries that surprise and delight him. I left the room yesterday for one moment and Julie said he was standing up, crying when he realized that he wasn't in a crib like in the past and could actually drop down and crawl after me! Such a little thing but amazing what a change it has made. He followed me again today and seems to gain confidence daily.

I was trying to teach him to give kisses yesterday and got so many hilarious super spitty licks on the face! Darling!! I told him to kiss Tante Julie and she got a bite on the chin with his tiny teeth hahaha!! He is still working on that one!

Julie bought Henry a new toy last night to encourage his obvious musical gifts. He loves drumming and dancing to music and singing. Drumming on mama's belly is the height of entertainment but since you will never ever ever see that on video I've included one with his new toy. Also a few misc pics from last night and today....jjx

On our way to dinner through the Hanoi traffic....cold and loud!

All bundled up in his new snow suit...thanks Tante! (the only one in the whole mall in Henry's size...XL! It is a zebra print with a tail and a curious donkey head.) At least our little Zonkey is warm!

Henry's first balloon!!

Check out my new toy!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

World Traveller!

We picked up Henry's passport this morning - one big step closer to finishing the process and coming home!!

After all the excitement, of course, a snack.

Monday, January 28, 2008

A week already!

I can't believe it's only been a week. It's gone by so quickly but it feels like Henry has been with us much longer. He seems to be feeling really well now and I am much better too. I went shopping for some special gifts for Henry today while he spent some time with his Tante Julie and took a long nap. He is playing on his new baby quilt below. (from a Fair Trade non-profit that teaches women in rural Vietnam the skills to support themselves. Beautiful!)

I go to pick up his Vietnamese passport tomorrow morning at 10. Wednesday we have his official US immigration Visa medical exam. Friday is our interview at the US Embassy. If all goes as we hope, we will have a US Visa in his passport Friday and we will fly home Sunday as scheduled. If any of the appointments are delayed we'll be fine but we can't wait to come home so he can meet his Oma and Opa and all the people who love him!!

After all the reading and worry about they delays he might face after so many months in an orphanage I just look at him in wonder. I know we will deal with any challenges he may have in the future but for now he is doing so well. He has gotten stronger in just the past week and is standing with confidence when holding on with one hand. He is very alert and curious about everything -- so many things are new. The only thing he really hates so far is bath time....very scary and upsetting for him. And Henry does not hesitate to make his opinions known when he is happy or mad!! He loves to laugh and is so much fun to be with.

My sweet sweet boy.


(trying to distract me with his grin while secretly pulling the braid off his new quilt)

Not sure if he is clapping or immitating Anna...."mwahahaha"

New toy!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Thanks for checking on us....

Hi...thanks for the emails asking how we are doing...Henry is definitely better. He is happily taking his antibiotics hidden in yummy baby fruit, followed by baby bubblegum flavored Tylenol. He is in heaven. And by the way, this baby LOVES to eat! He has now had Cheerios (thanks for sharing Matthew!), pancakes (no Alyson I didn't give him syrup) and Turkish bread....all tiny bites that he chews very happily, slapping his hand on the table when he is ready for more. (We will work on his manners when we get home.) He still loves his bottle most of all. When he finishes, he sits up kind of wobbly and drunk with his little milky tongue hanging out. He is so funny and so sweet! Tonight, we were playing on the blanket in the living room -- he was playing and I was laying near him resting. He crawled over and laid his face on mine and patted me. I can't believe how lucky I am.

As for me, I finally had to admit that I was not getting better and went to the SOS clinic Saturday as well. I have the same ear, sinus and throat infection as surprise. My medicine is sadly not hidden in yummy snacks.

Julie is still well....maybe a little cold. We're all hoping she stays healthy and happy. Henry LOVES his Tante Julie! She knows the best games!! (see below)

With this past week going by so quickly and with all of us a little under the weather, I am taking the pressure off and announcing that we will not be seeing most of the important cultural sights in Hanoi. If we feel better, we will be shopping and hopefully going to the Chocolate Buffet at the Sofitel. But if all we do for the rest of the week is play with Henry here in the apartment and take the occasional walk around the block, it will still have been the best trip I've ever taken. And I know we will be back.

Hope everyone is well and thanks again for your notes and messages!!! jjx

Henry loves to play!!

Friday, January 25, 2008

"Ma Ma" !!!

The highlight of the week for me! He really said it several times today!! Henry could ask for pretty much anything today and get it; ergo, the ice cream incident. (really, it was just a tiny soothe his teething gums)

Henry is feeling much better and I am hoping to feel well tomorrow too. Julie is still a champ and taking care of us both...thank you Julie!!! No idea what we would have done without you!

I'd also like to take this opportunity to apologize to all the disheveled mothers of crusty-faced babies who I've ever looked at condescendingly, thinking "how can they let themselves go like that..." I now know.

Another quiet day here, just playing and eating, playing, sleeping and eating. Not too exciting. Please forgive the too-long videos....just learned how to load these and didn't know they couldn't be edited or shortened. We'll shoot shorter snippets in the future. jjx

Henry, surrounded by his toys

(fyi that's an 18 month sleeper on my big boy....I've been calling him Jumbo but Julie says I have to stop.)

Our big outing to the hotel dining room...thanks for the hat Oma/Opa!!

Henry's new crush....he loves Camden!!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

restful day

Henry seems to be feeling a bit better but unfortunately I am feeling worse. If I'm not better tomorrow I'll be going to SOS as well. Hoping the cold medicine helps everything stop aching...thanks Dawn!

Only left the apartment tonight to go down and get some we are all heading to bed early. Here a few pics from the last few days....jjx

loves looking out the window at the traffic

visiting the Temple of Literature

delicious dinner

nice and clean

blog dork

Sorry...I just now saw that there is a comment section...who knew? Thanks for telling me Marie Do!

I'm awake for the 10th time tonight, really feeling pretty awful. Baby Henry hasn't woken much better than last night where he was up an down all night feeling so sick. "Hey, walk mommy around, pat my tummy, sing me a song....?" He's snoring blissfully, ignoring me! :) Love him! jjx

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

A little bit sick and a little bit mad

I won't say much today because I'm catching Henry's cold and need to get to bed now. Henry's been under the weather since I got him but he was feeling worse as the day went on today so he had his first visit to the SOS clinic here in Hanoi. They were really nice but he was FURIOUS!!!! (Who does that sound like, mom??) He has 2 ear infections and a sinus infection (they were trying to clear his nose with was he loud!) He started his antibiotics tonight. Poor bunny...hope he'll feel better tomorrow!

Breakfast in the dining room at the hotel....loves spoons! We are teaching him how to whack it on the table to draw adoring stares from his fellow diners (Opa loves that!).

He decided he liked the baby girl at the next table more than his spoon...flirt.
Resting and reading with his Tante Julie
(He loves his special Henry blanket...sleeps with it every night. Thanks Auntie Connie!)

A happy boy even when he's sick

Loves to read/chew...

Then this evening, after the Doctor visit.....

HAHAHA...this ones for you mom! He inherited my special thundercloud look!
(he has turned on the tv a couple times and it wasn't happening...after the Dr it was just too much!)

But Julie saved the day and taught him how to jump on the bed.

And he was a happy boy again!