Sunday, January 27, 2008

Thanks for checking on us....

Hi...thanks for the emails asking how we are doing...Henry is definitely better. He is happily taking his antibiotics hidden in yummy baby fruit, followed by baby bubblegum flavored Tylenol. He is in heaven. And by the way, this baby LOVES to eat! He has now had Cheerios (thanks for sharing Matthew!), pancakes (no Alyson I didn't give him syrup) and Turkish bread....all tiny bites that he chews very happily, slapping his hand on the table when he is ready for more. (We will work on his manners when we get home.) He still loves his bottle most of all. When he finishes, he sits up kind of wobbly and drunk with his little milky tongue hanging out. He is so funny and so sweet! Tonight, we were playing on the blanket in the living room -- he was playing and I was laying near him resting. He crawled over and laid his face on mine and patted me. I can't believe how lucky I am.

As for me, I finally had to admit that I was not getting better and went to the SOS clinic Saturday as well. I have the same ear, sinus and throat infection as surprise. My medicine is sadly not hidden in yummy snacks.

Julie is still well....maybe a little cold. We're all hoping she stays healthy and happy. Henry LOVES his Tante Julie! She knows the best games!! (see below)

With this past week going by so quickly and with all of us a little under the weather, I am taking the pressure off and announcing that we will not be seeing most of the important cultural sights in Hanoi. If we feel better, we will be shopping and hopefully going to the Chocolate Buffet at the Sofitel. But if all we do for the rest of the week is play with Henry here in the apartment and take the occasional walk around the block, it will still have been the best trip I've ever taken. And I know we will be back.

Hope everyone is well and thanks again for your notes and messages!!! jjx

Henry loves to play!!

1 comment:

journeytovietnam said...

You are lucky, but I have to say, I think Henry realizes also how lucky he is! And he truly is gifted, I've never heard such great raspberry sounds in all my life!
